Subject: Complaint
Customer Reference Number: ***********
Dear Customer Services
We have been virgin customers for a few years now and we used to be happy with the services you provide. However, we came back from holiday on Monday to find out that we have no internet connection. It comes on for half an hour and then goes off again and now it has disappeared completely. Some of the TV channels are not working either. It is the same for my friend who lives nearby, so I am guessing there is a problem in the area.
This seems to happen more and more often and quite frankly we are fed up with it. Please advise when this will be fixed. (The account is under my partner’s name; Mr Andrew *****)
Yours Faithfully
Cecilia **********
Och har kommer deas svar:
From: [] Sent: 10 September 2009 11:05To: Cecilia ********Subject: Re: Complaint
Dear Cecilia,
Thanks for your email.
Please note that Virgin Media is a merger of different companies and we deal with only Virgin Media National (Non-cable/ADSL Broadband formerly known as related issues. You need to contact the concerned department of Virgin Media for further assistance.
Unfortunately, I am unable to check any systems for other areas of Virgin Media. As it is in relation to Telewest Services, you need to contact Telewest Services (Blueyonder) - 0845 454 1111 and choose the correct option or dial 150 if you have Virgin Media phone line.
You can also visit the following link
If you need any further assistance please contact us again, or visit the following address:
Many Thanks
Virgin Media National Support
Forst och framst, finns det nagon anledning till att "Surajeet" inte skickade mitt mejl till ratt mejl adress? Varfor gav han mig inte ratt e-mail adress? varfor finns inte ratt e-mail adress under customer support pa deras hemsida?
Jag ska beratta varfor. Har man inte en Virgin telefon, vilket vi inte har, sa ar det inte gratis att klaga. Det kostar lokal taxa om man ringer fran sin hemtelefon, men gissa vad! Vi har ingen hem telefon och fran mobil blir det dyrt!
Nasta mejl jag skickar kommer ga till , deras CEO. (Ingen ide att mejla Richard Branson. Det har tusentals andra antagligen redan gjort.)
Hata Virgin!