Det här quizet var menat som ett skämt eftersom jag är en Newcastle United supporter. Ledsen om det missuppfattades.
Om detDet är bara 11 dagar kvar tills jag och Anna åker till Newcastle. Det var nästan nio månader sedan jag var där sist och i går började jag förbereda mig med att göra det här testet på Facebook. kan ni svaren på frågorna utan att googla? (Observera att dom blåa prickarna visar inte rätt svar, utan är bara där av default)
Geordie Quiz How Geordie Are You? |
1. | What is the exact capacity of St. James' Park? |
52387 | ||
49510 | ||
42347 | ||
53152 | ||
2. | What year was the Angel of the north unveiled? | |
1998 | |
1992 | |
2000 | |
1996 |
3. | Who has made the most appearances for Newcastle United? |
Jimmy Lawrence | ||
Albert Luque | ||
Shay Given | ||
Les Ferdinand | ||
4. | What does the Geordie phrase "wey I need to use the netty like" mean? | |
I want a go of your console | |
I need the toilet | |
I am going online | |
I must remember to water my flowers |
5. | When a Geordie refers to 'Wor Jackie' who do they mean? |
Jackie Charlton | ||
Jackie Milburn | ||
Jackie Stallone | ||
Jackie Chan | ||
6. | How many bridges are there over the River Tyne? | |
12 | |
22 | |
15 | |
19 |
7. | Who built the castle what Newcastle gets it's name from? |
Ground force | ||
The Normans | ||
The Egyptians | ||
The Romans | ||
8. | Out of all the places in the UK, how did the Newcastle nightlife compare with the other cities? | |
7 | |
4 | |
1 | |
9 |
9. | Which famous Beatles song was written in a Newcastle hotel? |
All My Loving | |
Here Comes the Sun | |
She Loves You | |
I Saw Her Standing There | |
10. | What is a "Workie Ticket"? |
A smug person | |
Clocking-in card | |
A pint of lager | |
An aggravating person |
11. | When was Newcastle United founded? |
1944 | |
1892 | |
1901 | |
1914 |
Här är mitt resultat!